EM Ford RiskGuide Blog

Open Enrollment: Steps To Streamline Your Process

Written by EM Ford | Oct 2, 2020 2:54:44 PM

Open enrollment is a tricky time of year for all parties involved-- so tricky, that it's often one of a company's largest pain points when it comes to their employee benefits program. There are may factors that contribute to these open enrollment pain points, but most of these could be resolved with a strategic, streamlined open enrollment process.

Streamlining your open enrollment process can improve efficiency, accuracy, and set the tone for your employees' utilization of your benefits package-- however, there isn't a process that is a "one-size-fits-all" for every company.

Click the link below for a direct download to our guide for a smooth, seamless open enrollment process, and learn which options may be a good fit for your company. 


We are here for you. Our employee benefits team are experts in the open enrollment process and helping you get the most out of your benefits program.